
Therapist’s emotional response towards patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is under-investigated. This aspect might provide valuable information about therapists’ difficulties during sessions and support supervisory practice, since a proportion of OCD patients drop out due to issues related to the therapeutic relationship. In a sample of therapists, we explored the effects of therapists’ orientation (cognitive behavioural versus psychodynamic) and perfectionistic traits on their emotional responses towards patients with OCD, controlling for other variables potentially related to emotional response towards patients (i.e., therapists’ gender/age and patient’s comorbid personality disorders). Ninety-four therapists (74 women and 20 men; mean age = 42.07 ± 10.17 years), of which 47 (50%) had a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and 47 (50%) a psychodynamic orientation matched on gender and age, completed the Therapist Response Questionnaire and Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. Therapists with a CBT orientation reported less negative emotional responses, i.e., lower overwhelmed/disorganized, hostile/angry, criticised/devalued, parental/protective and special/over-involved emotions towards patients than therapists with a psychodynamic orientation. Therapists with higher perfectionistic traits (i.e., parents’ expectations/evaluation) had higher hostile/angry reactions, those with higher concerns over mistakes and doubts about actions had more intense criticised/devalued emotions, while those with stronger concerns with precision, order and organization had lower disengagement responses. The present study is the first investigation which sheds some light on the emotional responses of therapists towards OCD patients. Therapists’ CBT orientation and lower perfectionistic traits might be associated with better emotions. Therapists’ emotional responses, their psychotherapeutic orientation and levels of perfectionism should be considered during supervisory practice.

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