
No AccessPerspectives on Hearing and Hearing Disorders in ChildhoodArticle1 Oct 2004Therapeutic Issues and Adolescent Cochlear Implant Recipients Patricia M. Chute and Helen C. Buhler Patricia M. Chute Mercy CollegeDobbs Ferry, NY Google Scholar More articles by this author and Helen C. Buhler Mercy CollegeDobbs Ferry, NY Google Scholar More articles by this author https://doi.org/10.1044/hhdc14.2.16 SectionsAboutFull TextPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationTrack Citations ShareFacebookTwitterLinked In References Learning about adolescent students (2001). Manitoba Education and Youth. Retrieved May 21, 2004, f r o m http://spectrum.troyst.edu/~mjparker/adolescent.htm Google Scholar Ling, D. (1989). Foundations of spoken language for hearing-impaired children.Washington, DC: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf. Google Scholar Perusse, M.,Bernstein, A., & Philips, A. L. (1992). Incorporating speech development into an educational program.Volta Review,, 94, 79–94. Google Scholar Stout, G. G., & Windle, J. V. (1992). The developmental approach to successful listening II.Houston, TX: Houston School for the Deaf. Google Scholar Wiig, E. (1989). Steps in language competenc.Developing metalinguistic strategies. San. Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation. Google Scholar Blood, G. W.,Blood, M., & Danhauer, J. L. (1977). The hearing aid “effect.”.Hearing Instruments, 20, 12. Google Scholar Brown, A., & Campione, J. (1990). Communities of learning and thinking, or a context by any other name.In D. Kuhn (Ed.), Developmental perspectives on teaching and learning thinking skills (pp. 108– 126). New York: Karger. Google Scholar A. K. Cheng & J. K. Niparko (2000). Analyzing the effects of early implantation and results with different causes of deafness: Meta analysis of pediatric cochlear implant literature. In J. Niparko (Ed.).Cochlear implants: Principles and practice (pp. 259–265). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Google Scholar Crais, E. (1990). Word knowledge to word knowledge..Topics in Language Disorders, 10 (3), 45–62. Google Scholar Gray, C.(1995b). The original social storybook.Arlington, TX: Future Horizons. Google Scholar K. I. Kirk (2000). Challenges in the clinical investigation of cochlear implant outcomes. In J. Niparko (Ed.).Cochlear implants: Principles and practice (pp. 225–259). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Google Scholar Larsen, V. L. & McKinley, N. L., & Boley, D. (1993). Service delivery models for adolescents with language disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools,, 24, 36–42. Google Scholar Larson, V. L., &McKinley, N. (1995). Language disorders in older students.Preadolescents and adolescents. Eau Claire, WI: Thinking Publications. Google Scholar Larson, V. L., &McKinley, N. L. (2003). Communication solutions for older students.Assessment and intervention strategies. Eau Claire, WI: Thinking Publications. Google Scholar Nevins, M. E., & Chute, P. M. (1996). Children with cochlear implants in educational settings.San Diego: Singular. Google Scholar Nippold, M. (2000). Language development during the adolescent years:Aspects of pragmatics, syntax, and semantics.Topics in Language Disorders, 20 (2), 15–28. Google Scholar Nippold, M. (1993). Developmental markers in adolescent language: Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics..Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools, 24 (1), 21–28. AbstractGoogle Scholar R. Paul (2001). Language disorders from infancy to adolescence.2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Mosby. Google Scholar Rose, D.,Vernon, M., & Pool, A. (1996). Cochlear implants in prelingually deaf children.American Annals of Deaf, 141, 258–262. Google Scholar Silliman, E., & Wilkinson, L. (1991). Communication for learning: Classroom observation and collaboration.Gaithersberg, MD: Aspen. Google Scholar Whitmore, K. (2000). Adolescence as a developmental phase: A tutorial.Topics in Language Disorders, ( 20 (2), 1–14. Google Scholar Additional Resources FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Volume 14Issue 2October 2004Pages: 16-20 Get Permissions Add to your Mendeley library History Published in issue: Oct 1, 2004 Metrics Topicsasha-topicsasha-article-typesasha-sigsCopyright & Permissions© 2004 American Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationPDF DownloadLoading ...

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