
We have calculated eigenfrequencies of radial and nonradial p-mode oscillations with low harmonic index l (l = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4) for a standard solar model with normal composition and appoximately the correct age. It is found that theoretical eigenfrequencies calculated for our standard model agree approximately with observed peaks in the power spectra for the full-disk five minute oscillation of the Sun (Claverie et al., 1980; Grec et al., 1983; Scherrer et al., 1983) in agreement with other recent works (Christensen-Dalsgaard and Gough, 1980; Scuflaire et al., 1981). However, there still remains a slight discrepancy between theory and observations in such a sense that the theoretical eigenfrequencies are slightly lower than observations (see Figure 1). Eigenfrequencies of nonradial p-modes with high degree l for the same model are also calculated for comparison with observations of the conventional five-minute oscillation with shorter horizontal wavelength. It is found that theoretical eigenfrequencies lie slightly above the observed ridges in the diagnostic (k, ω)-diagram, which is in accord with Ulrich and Rhodes (1977) and Berthomieu et al. (1980) because our standard model has a slightly shallow convective zone. It remains to be seen whether improvement in the equilibrium model can remove this small discrepancy, concurrently with a better agreement between theory and observation for the whole-disk oscillations of low degree. A full account of this work will be found in Shibahashi and Osaki (1981).

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