
The article examines some approaches to the understanding of the concept of corporate ethics. The author interprets corporate ethics as a set of moral principles and standards of corporate relations. Corporate ethics is the key element that unites all members of the corporation in a single social organism. Corporate ethics acts as a form of social consciousness inherent in both entrepreneurs and employees who share common goals of their professional activities. It is a non-economic factor having an effective impact on corporation activities. The author analyzes why large organizations characterized by anonymous relations (corporations) establish ethical regulation with all its structural elements (code, ethical committees, etc.). The author makes a distinction between the direct immediate duties of the employee and his/her discretionary duties. Corporate ethics does not hinder efficiency, and it can inspire workers to achieve the organization's main goal. Also, corporate ethics implements in the corporation such functions as the function of protecting the moral prestige of the corporation, the function of defending the interests of members of the corporation, the function of coordinating competing interests, the ambitions of the members of the corporation to ensure cohesion, unity of the group. The implementation of the above functions of corporate ethics can be a competitive advantage for the organization. The author concludes that it is important for the organization to create such a system of moral regulation (structures, institutions) that motivate employees to act morally, in which it would be beneficial to be socially responsible, but that would simultaneously take into account and protect the interests of workers

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