
(ProQuest: ... denotes non-US-ASCII text omitted.)Theology As Science in Nineteenth Century Germany: From F. C. Baur to Ernst Troeltsch . By Johannes Zachhuber . New York : Oxford University Press , 2013. xiii + 318 pp. $118.95 cloth.Book Reviews and NotesJohannes Zachhuber's exceptional book addresses a topic that has received little scholarly attention in English-speaking world: nineteenth-century German academic theology in context of new scientific directions in modern universities. Zachhuber discusses how German protestant scholars from Tubingen and Ritschlian Schools treated theology as a science in light of novel notion of Wissenschaft .This noteworthy monograph excels in several aspects, most important being understudied figures and sources. Zachhuber skillfully uses primary sources to investigate in a penetrating way scientific theology of several misunderstood nineteenth-century figures, and offers fresh readings of their views. By exploring contexts of their intellectual and philosophical disputes, Zachhuber clearly depicts developments, influences, and tensions among scholars of that period, providing evidence that underscores significance and complexity of nineteenth century as one of most creative and productive for While he does not engage in great detail with scientific endeavors of nineteenth-century mediating theologians, he does give considerable attention to other German theologians and their scientific theological work from 1820 to 1880, including Eduard Zeller and Adolf Hilgenfeld.The book has ten chapters in two parts, first part dealing with Ferdinand Baur and other members of Tubingen School, especially development and decline of school and Baur's version of historicist theology. Zachhuber asserts that Tubingen School was characterized by a revolutionary and exegetical scholarship supported by theology and philosophy. The second part of book looks at Albrecht Ritschl and manner in which Ritschlian School both extended and detracted from Baur's agenda of scientific Building on Jorn Rusen's work involving formative years of historicism and history of philosophy, a central theme in Zachhuber's book is relationship between historicism and idealism and their positions within triad of history, philosophy, and The book depicts how theologians blended historical and systematic theology contained by twofold enterprise of historicism and German Idealism.The first chapter discusses emergence and significance of historicization that became dominant in Germany. The chapter includes a general overview of influence of Gotthold Lessing and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, especially Schelling's acknowledged influence on Friedrich Schleiermacher's ideas regarding religion and history. The second and third chapters focus on Baur's scientific theology and influences that shaped his ideas. Baur's Die christliche Gnosis established an agenda for scientific theology that was both philosophical and historical. An example of his agenda is his attempt to conquer the dualistic dichotomy of history and reason by way of rational self-reflection (49). Zachhuber explains how Baur created two scientific theological schemes: one idealist and other neo-rationalist. Zachhuber uses his interpretation to clarify influence of neo-rationalist program on Baur's students in terms of its historical method.David Strauss, Baur's most controversial student, takes center stage in chapter 4. …

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