
AbstractThe presence in the bovine mammary gland of a desaturase specific for the conversion of stearic to oleic acid allows the manipulation of the physical properties of milk fat by varying the dietary intake of C16 and C18 fatty acids. In particular, feeding the dairy cow an oil with a high C18: C16 ratio should allow the proportion of milk fat that is liquid at 5°C to be increased, with a consequent improvement in the low‐temperature spreadability of butter. In this paper, the effect of feeding concentrate rations containing (a) soya oil as the free oil and as cracked soya beans; (b) various levels of soya oil, the ration being offered twice or 24‐times daily, on the thermal properties of the milk fat and on the yield of milk constituents is examined in detail. Feeding ratios containing free soya oil greatly increased the proportion of milk fat liquid at 5°C, whereas cracked soya oil gave only slight increases. Proportion and yield of milk fat were decreased by feeding soya oil twice daily but were increased by continuous feeding.

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