
Starting in 1983, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from developing and industrialized nations launched efforts to stimulate policy, operations, and lending reforms in the World Bank. Focusing attention on environmental issues, NGOs have pressed the Bank to undertake changes in its lending operations. In response, the Bank implemented operational changes over the last few years designed to incorporate environmental concerns in its lending. One of the most significant developments involves the environmental assessment (EA) procedures established by the Bank's Operational Directive 4.01. This policy provides specific points at which NGOs may officially participate in the EA process. Using these points of entry allows active NGO involvement early in the project cycle. In effect, Operational Directive 4.01 and the EA process provide NGOs with powerful new tools for working with the Bank on environmental issues. It is essential that NGOs understand World Bank environmental assessment policies and procedures, taking advantage of the opportunities they present.

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