
The woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) was the first of the mammalian and avian hepadnaviruses described after discovery of the virus of hepatitis B (HBV). Woodchucks chronically infected with WHV develop progressively severe hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which present as lesions that are remarkably similar to those associated with HBV infection in humans. The initial virological studies and studies of pathogenesis utilized woodchucks that had been trapped in the wild and had acquired WHV infection naturally. Research with wild woodchucks was complicated by lack of knowledge of their backgrounds (e.g., dietary history, exposure to parasites or environmental toxins, and source and duration of WHV infection). Breeding colonies of woodchucks have been established and maintained in laboratory animal facilities, and laboratory-reared woodchucks are superior for experimental studies of pathogenesis or hepatocarcinogenesis. It is possible to infect neonatal woodchucks born in the laboratory with standardized inocula and produce a high rate of chronic WHV carriers that are useful for controlled investigations. WHV has been shown experimentally to cause hepatocellular carcinoma, supporting conclusions based on epidemiological and molecular virological studies that HBV is an important etiological factor in human hepatocarcinogenesis. Chronic WHV carrier woodchucks have become a valuable animal model for the preclinical evaluation of antiviral therapy for HBV infection, providing useful pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic results in a relevant animal disease model. It also has been shown that the pattern of toxicity and hepatic injury observed in woodchucks treated with certain fluorinated pyrimidines is remarkably similar to that observed in humans that were treated with the same drugs, suggesting the woodchuck has significant potential for the preclincial assessment of antiviral drug toxicity.

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