
In this article the paradoxical similarity between the concepts of ideology and desire is discussed, when the publicly proclaimed political problems are distorted and they are proposed to be tackled as if they were undisputed truths. The critique of the ideology of the political theory and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis – both in a characteristic way to each – question the modern kernel of reality behind which there lurks the impossibility of the truth and of the reality, and show that the reality perceived by us is as much ideological as traumatic. In the article it is attempted to discuss the way these two concepts supplement and broaden each other. The ideology and the desire as the centers of the political visualization allow us to ask anew: what is real? And what lies beneath this explicated appearance? Straipsnyje aptariamas paradoksalus ideologijos ir lakaniškojo geismo sąvokų panašumas, kai iškreipiamos viešai deklaruojamos politinės problemos ir siūloma jas spręsti taip, tarsi jos būtų nekvestionuojama tiesa. Politinės teorijos ideologijos kritika ir Jacques'o Lacano psichoanalizė – abi disciplinos savaip – kvestionuoja modernų tikrovės branduolį, už kurio slepiasi tiesos ir tikrovės negalimybė, ir parodo, kad mūsų suvokiama tikrovė yra tiek pat ideologinė, kiek ir trauminė. Straipsnyje siekiama aptarti, kaip šios dvi sąvokos viena kitą papildo ir praplečia. Ideologija ir geismas, kaip politinės vizualizacijos centrai, iš naujo leidžia klausti: Kas yra tikra? Kas slypi po šia eksplikuojama regimybe?


  • Slavoj Žižek perfectly notices: “When we see the starving African children with a call to help them, the ideological message is this: Do not think, do not politicize, forget the true causes of poverty, just act, donate money, it means that you must not think!” (Žižek 2011: 4)

  • The ideological messages are most often constructed precisely according to this principle: the image and the commentary, which conceals the true nature of the image

  • In the case of the African children, no one attempts to look for the causes of such situation, it is undisputable – the call not to politicize stands for the call not to change anything, but to take the pleasure in giving aid, to enjoy the view that we see

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Povilas Senūta

In this article the paradoxical similarity between the concepts of ideology and desire is discussed, when the publicly proclaimed political problems are distorted and they are proposed to be tackled as if they were undisputed truths. The critique of the ideology of the political theory and Jacques Lacan’s psychoanalysis – both in a characteristic way to each – question the modern kernel of reality behind which there lurks the impossibility of the truth and of the reality, and show that the reality perceived by us is as much ideological as traumatic. In the article it is attempted to discuss the way these two concepts supplement and broaden each other. The ideology and the desire as the centers of the political visualization allow us to ask anew: what is real? The way the ideological desire conceals the politics, or how J. Lacan teaches us to comprehend the desire, Creativity Studies 7(1): 39–45

To enjoy your tragedy!
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