
The concern for, the protection, and the care of persons with disability are enshrined in the Philippine Constitution and legislated through a number of laws aimed at providing equal opportunities for them.With enhanced global, regional, and national efforts to address the needs, protect the rights and welfare, and advance the status of persons with disability, the Philippine Statistical System (PSS), particularly the then National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) and then National Statistics Office (NSO) (which is now replaced by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)), recognized the requirement for timely and accurate disability statistics. For example, a question on disability has been included in the 1990 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) conducted by the then NSO and has been continued in all succeeding censuses, excluding the 2007 Census of Population.Further, questions on functional difficulty, based on the recommended questions of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, were included in the core data items in the recently concluded 2010 CPH. The then NSCB issued statistical policies and has put in place mechanisms conducive to the development of statistics, including on disability (e.g., Philippine Statistical Development Program, Interagency Committee on Health and Nutrition Statistics, among others).The Philippines recognizes and highly appreciates the outstanding work that has been done by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics as well as the invaluable assistance and support it has provided to the PSS towards the development and improvement of disability statistics in the country.However, due to a number of factors such as the lack of statistical capacity of dutybearers/users of disability statistics; lack of resources allocated for disability statistics; methodological/operational problems, the development of disability statistics in the Philippines has not proceeded as fast as may be wished.

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