
In gauge theories both gauge invariance and gauge independence can be achieved by the reparametrization invariant definition of effective actions due to Vilkovisky and its amendment by DeWitt. In Yang-Mills theories we establish the precise connection to the conventional definition to all orders of perturbation theory. An explicit calculation in 2-loop order verifies the necessity of DeWitt's modification in order to preserve renormalization. Some of the new Feynman rules following from the Vilkovisky-DeWitt effective action are made explicit, and gauge independence of the new off-shell vertex functions is checked in the example of the non-abelian gauge field self energy evaluated in 1-loop order in various gauges. The novel definition of the effective action is then applied to spontaneously broken Yang-Mills theories to obtain a gauge independent renormalization group equation. The decoupling threshold of the running gauge coupling constant which is a crucial quantity in grand unified theories is computed to 1-loop accuracy.

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