
The vanadium oxide bronze η-Na x V 2 O 5 (x = 1.286) crystallizes in the monoclinic system with an original structure built up of layers formed by VO 5 square pyramids and VO 4 tetrahedra parallel to the (010) plane, with the Na atoms lying between these layers. To form the layer, the V atoms are distributed on seven different crystallographic sites: V1 and V2 are in oxygen tetrahedra connected in the layer via their corners to V3, V4, V5, V6 and V7 in oxygen square pyramids which share corners and edges. The general formula of the layer, with vanadium exhibiting mixed V 5+ /V 4+ valency, is [V 14 O 35 ] n 9n- , the electrical balance being assumed by 9n interleaved Na + cations.

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