
To assess the potential role of conventional sonography and colour flow Doppler (CFD) sonography (CFDS) in the differential diagnosis of toxic multinodular goitres. We investigated 55 patients with untreated hyperthyroidism (24 with typical toxic diffuse goitre of Graves' disease (Group A); 26 with multinodular goitre (Group B); and five with single toxic adenoma (Group C); 22 euthyroid subjects (12 with non-toxic multinodular goitre (Group D) and ten normal subjects (Group E)) were included as controls. In all cases free thyroxine, free tri-iodothyronine, TSH, TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb), anti-thyroperoxidase antibody, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and anti-thyroid microsomal antibodies were determined and a [(99m)Tc]pertechnetate thyroid scan was performed. Patients with toxic multinodular goitre displayed two different CFDS patterns: 18 patients (Group B-1) had nodules with normal vascularity surrounded by diffuse parenchymal hypoechogenicity with markedly increased CFD signal and maximal peak systolic velocity (PSV) (a pattern similar to Group A patients with Graves' disease); eight patients (Group B-2) had increased intra- and perinodular CFD signal and PSV with normal extranodular vascularity (a pattern similar to that found in Group C patients with single toxic adenoma). Patients of Group B-1 showed a proportion of clinically evident thyroid ophthalmopathy, positive TRAb and other thyroid autoantibodies similar to that observed in Group A patients, while no evidence of thyroid autoimmunity was found in Group B-2. Sixteen out of 18 (89%) patients from Group B-1 displayed a scintiscan pattern of diffuse uneven radionuclide distribution, while seven out of eight (87.5%) of those from Group B-2 had localized uptake in multiple discrete nodules. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that Group B-1 mostly represents patients with the multinodular variant of Graves' disease, while Group B-2 represents patients with non-autoimmune toxic multinodular goitre. This study shows that combined conventional sonography and CFDS may easily distinguish nodular variants of Graves' disease from non-autoimmune forms of toxic multinodular goitre and confirms the clinical usefulness of this technique in the first-line evaluation of hyperthyroid patients.

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