
About the Editor. List of Contributors. Series Preface. Preface. Foreword by Eric J. Holden, Past President, American Polygraph Association and Chair, APA PCSOT Committee, 2007-2009 1 Overview: Opportunities and Responsibilities (Daniel T. Wilcox). 2 The Clinical Use of the Polygraph with Sex Offenders: Caveats and Considerations (David Whittingham). 3 Pre-Conviction and Post-Conviction Polygraph Testing: A Brief History (Daniel T. Wilcox and Lars Madsen). 4 The Empirical Evidence for the Value of Post-Conviction Polygraph in the Treatment and Supervision of Sex Offenders (Lars Madsen and Daniel T. Wilcox). 5 Basics of Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing (Daniel E. Sosnowski and Daniel T. Wilcox). 6 Case Studies in the Utility of the Polygraph (Daniel T. Wilcox, Zerine O'Keeffe and Caroline Oliver). 7 Polygraph Testing Internet Offenders (Jos Buschman and Stefan Bogaerts). 8 Risk Assessment and the Polygraph (Theresa A. Gannon, Anthony R. Beech and Tony Ward). 9 The Accuracy of Polygraphy in the Treatment and Supervision of Sex Offenders (Lars Madsen). 10 Sex Offender Polygraph Testing in the United States: Trends and Controversies (Peggy Heil and Kim English). 11 Other Post-Conviction Applications of Polygraphy (Shay Addison and Lou Crisilla). 12 Interviewing and Interrogation (J.P. Blair). 13 Alternate Technologies for the Detection of Deception (Jennifer M.C. Vendemia, Michael J. Schillaci, Robert F. Buzan, Eric P. Green and Scott W. Meek). 14 Forensic Assessment of Sexual Interest: A Review (E. Kalmus, Anthony R. Beech and B. Warberg). Index.

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