
Purpose of the study. The investigation of the character of the formation of statistical presentation of data about ambient air pollution within the borders of Saint-Petersburg administrative areas on the basis of simulation data of hazardous substances (air emissions) transfer from priority sources into the lowest atmospheric layer with their following assessment according to standards, population health risks and reliability of index estimation, averaged on borders of administrative areas. Material and methods. On the base of data of sources of pollution of ambient air of the city of Saint Petersburg administered by the Committee for the use of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection and Safety Calculations, implemented in the system “Ecologist-city” by the company “Integral” there were made calculations maximum one-time and annual average concentrations for all emitted substances as well as there were evaluated the carcinogenic, non-carcinogenic and chronic risks air pollution, and there was executed the assessment of the pollution according to olfactometric criteria (rate of exceeding odor threshold ). The spatial analysis of the results was concluded in averaging concentrations and values which characterize risks on the borders of the administrative areas and further performance of the estimation of the reliability of data differences of average indices on Student criteria. Results. There were investigated peculiarities of air pollution within the borders of St. Petersburg administrative areas. There was given the estimation of reliability of data differences by Student criteria for carcinogenic, non-carcinogenic (acute and chronic) risks. There were selected priority substances, which had the greatest differences in values of concentrations and risk criteria. They are nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide and benzene. There were determined areas which have statistically reliable differences on olfactometric criteria, the value of annual average and maximum one-time concentrations, by carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic (acute and chronic) risks with other areas. Conclusion. There was established the expediency of calculated monitoring of the air pollution averaged on the administrative areas.

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