
Research in science education evolved from the positivist paradigm in which scientific knowledge was considered to be immutable. This article investigates the use of inquiry-based science teaching as a pedagogical strategy to develop prospective science teachers’ conceptual understanding of direct current electricity. It is proposed that Vygotsky’s social constructivism and Dewey’s pragmatism have common elements that may serve as a philosophical framework for inquiry-based science teaching. An example of the transformative conjecture-driven teaching experiment as a design study in science education, is outlined. A retrospective analysis is provided to develop a learning environment that can contribute to better conceptual understanding of basic direct current electricity by prospective science teachers.


  • How to cite this article: Edwards, N. & Le Grange, L., 2017, ‘Die gebruik van ondersoekgebaseerde wetenskaponderrig om studente se konseptuele begrip van gelykstroomelektrisiteit te bevorder’, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 36(1), a1427. https://doi.org/10.4102/ satnt.v36i1.1427

  • Research in science education evolved from the positivist paradigm in which scientific knowledge was considered to be immutable

  • A retrospective analysis is provided to develop a learning environment that can contribute to better conceptual understanding of basic direct current electricity by prospective science teachers

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Oorspronklike Navorsing

Affiliations: 1Department of Curriculum Studies, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die gebruik van ondersoekgebaseerde wetenskaponderrig as ’n pedagogiese strategie om voornemende wetenskaponderwysers se konseptuele begrip van gelykstroomelektrisiteit te bevorder. ’n Terugskouende ontleding word verskaf om ’n leeromgewing te ontwikkel wat tot beter konseptuele begrip van basiese gelykstroomelektrisiteit deur voornemende wetenskaponderwysers kan bydra. The use of inquiry-based science teaching to promote students’ conceptual understanding of direct current electricity. This article investigates the use of inquiry-based science teaching as a pedagogical strategy to develop prospective science teachers’ conceptual understanding of direct current electricity. Daar word deur kundiges bekommernis uitgespreek oor die kwaliteit van ons wiskunde- en wetenskaponderwys in Suid Afrika. Die Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring (NKV) is toe geïmplementeer en opgevolg deur die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) – ons huidige kurrikulum wat in 2014 in aanvang getree het (Departement van Basiese Onderwys [DvBO] 2011). Ondersoek in wetenskaponderrig kan beskou word as ’n pedagogiese http://www.satnt.ac.za

Open Access
Konstruktivisme as filosofiese raamwerk
Ondersoekgebaseerde wetenskaponderrig
Die transformerende onderrigeksperiment in ontwerpnavorsing
Bevindings en bespreking
Light bulb
Akkurate redenasie
Terugskouende ontleding en bespreking
Mededingende belange
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