
AbstractA framework for managing rotationally grazed pastures for dairy cattle which enables the cows’ energy and protein requirements to be met while simultaneously limiting the amount of N excreted in order to reduce N losses is described. The first objective is achieved by ensuring that lamina mass and the N concentration of herbage do not limit herbage intake or feeding value. The second objective is achieved by limiting N fertilizer supply or increasing the interval between defoliations to reduce the N concentration of herbage. Lower and upper thresholds for the N concentration of herbage and lamina mass were estimated from published data. The method is illustrated using two vegetative regrowths (beginning and end of spring) in a cutting experiment with two fertilizer treatments, 0 or 120 kg N ha−1 (−N and +N), and early or late cutting. Decreasing N supply led to a reduction in grazing management flexibility, i.e. the defoliation interval ranges which were compatible with the required sward characteristics (minimum lamina mass and N concentration of lamina) for herbage intake and to meet the protein requirements of dairy cows. Aiming for the upper threshold N concentration of herbage increased the minimum interval between defoliations only for the +N treatments. Nevertheless, grazing management flexibility remained the highest for the +N treatments.

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