
This article will identify the study of Islamic Law which has various thoughts that are relevant to all forms of changing realities. Conservatism and liberalism are two patterns of thought that are identified as contradictory. The new world and new media have realized how important digitalization of Islamic law is. Choosing one mode of thought will clarify the position of Islamic law in a global context. The normative and empirical methods used in this research will dialogue Islamic law with conservatism and liberalism in mind with the dynamics of social change and today's digital technology. Dialogue on Islamic Law is always with the modern world, so that it is not stagnant and decadent is a necessity. The global era with the orbit of digital instruments as a tool that can provide anything, can also facilitate and accelerate desires in many aspects of life, both positive and negative. The facts show that digital instruments play a direct role in every aspect of life. Present in various applications and messages for convenience and the benefit of strengthening norms and values. The negative effects of digital transformation also present cyber crimes with their various modus operandi. From the research it was found that the digitization of Islamic law has occurred, for example the digital Koran, digital hadith, digital inheritance law and religious courts with their e-court and e-litigation as well as various other applications that come into contact with Islamic law. However, until now there is no digital application that can be used to make Islamic Law a preventive tool in dealing with cybercrimes. Digitalization of Islamic Criminal Law can be done by creating programs in the form of online applications, such as the Alarm of cyber crime application.

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