
This study investigates the effects of different positions of side-mounted rear-view cameras on distance estimation of drivers. Camera-monitor systems bring advantages as compared to conventional rear-view mirrors, such as improved aerodynamics and enlarged field-of-view. Applied research has mainly focused on the comparison between cameras and mirrors or on positioning of in-vehicle monitors. However, the positioning of the exterior camera awaits investigation given that the perspective of the observer at does affect depth perception at large. In two experiments, a total of 50 students estimated metric distances to static vehicles presented in realistic or 3D-rendered pictures. The pictures depicted the rearward scene of a car following the driver as viewed through a camera at varying vertical and horizontal positions. The following vehicle's size and environmental information varied among conditions and experiments. Lower camera positions led to distance overestimation and higher positions to underestimation. The effect increased as the distance to the following vehicle decreased. Moreover, larger vehicles led to stronger distance underestimation, especially in low camera positions. Interestingly, the main effect of camera position disappeared when the ego-vehicles' back was visible. Different rearward viewpoints affect distance estimation of drivers, especially in close distances. However, a visible reference of one's own vehicle seems to mostly compensate this effect. In general, the rear-view camera should be mounted rather higher and to the front of the vehicle. Also, the vehicle's back should always be visible. Low camera positions are not recommended.

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