
Nuclear bodies are found in interphase nuclei of root apices of a number of plant species. They often show differences in structure and position relative to the nucleolus and this has led to an attempt to define two classes of body. However, in some species their separation into two classes on structural grounds alone breaks down, indicating that although they may occupy different positions within the nucleus they may in these particular cases be only different forms of the same body. The two extremes of the range of bodies examined represent what have been called “nucleolus-associated body” (karyosome) and “dense body”. The nucleolus-associated body is typically attached to, or adjacent to, the nucleolus. It is composed of fibrils 4–8 nm wide and often has an open structure showing compound threads or fibrils separated from each other by electron-lucent spaces. The dense body is more compact in structure and typically lies free in the nucleoplasm. Both types of body have an affinity for silver ions which, together with their staining reaction following treatment with EDTA, indicates that they consist of ribonucleoprotein. The characteristics of nuclear bodies found in different plant species have some relationship with the structure and DNA content of the interphase nucleus. Nucleolus-associated bodies are characteristic of species with an areticulate nuclear structure (2 C DNA content 6 pg). The possible functions of the two forms of nuclear body are discussed.

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