
Given the Dirac neutrino mass term, we explore the constraint conditions which allow the corresponding mass matrix to be invariant under the μ-τ reflection transformation, leading us to the phenomenologically favored predictions θ23 = π/4 and δ = 3π/2 in the standard parametrization of the 3 × 3 lepton flavor mixing matrix. If such a flavor symmetry is realized at a superhigh energy scale Λμτ , we investigate how it is spontaneously broken via the one-loop renormalization-group equations (RGEs) running from Λμτ down to the Fermi scale ΛF. Such quantum corrections to the neutrino masses and flavor mixing parameters are derived, and an analytical link is established between the Jarlskog invariants of CP violation at Λμτ and ΛF. Some numerical examples are also presented in both the minimal supersymmetric standard model and the type-II two-Higgs-doublet model, to illustrate how the octant of θ23, the quadrant of δ and the neutrino mass ordering are correlated with one another as a result of the RGE-induced μ-τ reflection symmetry breaking effects.

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