
Seventeen patients with localised pulmonary metastases of malignant teratoma of the testis were treated by triple chemotherapy. None was cured, though the majority showed some response on chest radiographs. Fifteen patients with localised pulmonary metastases were treated with irradiation to the whole chest, and where possible, followed by 1–3 courses of actinomycin D. 50 per cent were alive and free of disease after 30 months. Seven patients who were first seen with diffuse pulmonary metastases were not cured by radiotherapy. Five of the 15 patients, irradiated with curative intent, developed radiation pneumonitis which appeared reversible in 3 cases. All patients who died showed diffuse pulmonary and visceral metastases. Early discovery of pulmonary metastases is only possible by taking chest radiographs at regular 2–3 weeks intervals after the first treatment.

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