
1. 1. Physical therapy measures are of distinct value to the surgeon in the treatment of extensive body burns. 2. 2. Ultraviolet radiation acts as a superficial bactericidal agent on infected granulating surfaces and in this manner assists in the preparation for skin grafts. 3. 3. A mild active hyperemia is produced, and possibly a stimulation to cell growth, by ultraviolet radiation. 4. 4. Ollier-Thiersch or split thickness grafts form a satisfactory means of covering these large denuded areas. 5. 5. The open air treatment of freshly applied Ollier-Thiersch grafts is advisable in some instances. 6. 6. The donor site is comfortably dressed by the application of tannic acid. 7. 7. The length of exposure of the wound is dependent upon the intensity of the source of radiation, the distance from the source to the lesion and the erythema response of the individual. 8. 8. Three-quarters of an erythema dose will kill bacteria on the surface, produce a mild local active hyperemia and stimulate cell growth. 9. 9. Early active motion even before skin grafting is often essential for maintenance and restoration of joint function. 10. 10. Therapeutic exercise should be prescribed and supervised so that definite groups of muscles are exercised and the patient's attention drawn away from the disabled member.

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