
The phrR gene in Sinorhizobium meliloti (previously known as Rhizobium meliloti) WSM419, directly downstream from actA, is induced by low pH or certain stresses (e.g. high concentrations of Zn2+, Cu2+, H2O2 or ethanol), but not in stationary phase or by other stresses (e.g. phosphate limitation, elevated temperature, high concentrations of sucrose or iron). A DNA fragment containing the wild-type phrR gene could not be cloned and inverse PCR was therefore used to amplify a 3.5 kb BamHI fragment containing phrR from the mutant S. meliloti TG2-6 (actA::Tn5). DNA fragments from a BamHI/SalI digest of the amplified product were cloned into pUK21 and sequenced. The phrR open reading frame contiguous to actA appears to code for a 15.2 kDa protein showing significant identity with the proteins encoded by y4wC and y4aM in Rhizobium sp. NGR234. All three proteins resemble transcriptional regulators in containing a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix motif similar to that reported for URF4 in Rhodospirillum rubrum and repressors in coliphage.

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