
Aflatoxin B(1) (AFB(1)) is a mycotoxin which is known to frequently contaminate poorly stored food products destined for human consumption. This study was carried out to investigate the potential activity of lactic acid fermentation in reducing AFB(1) level in fermented maize meal products. Maize meal was spiked with 60 mug g(-1) AFB(1) and fermented, with or without starter culture, for 4 days at 25 degrees C. Unbound AFB(1) in solution and the pH of the media were monitored daily. A significant decrease (P < 0.05) in the level of unbound AFB(1) was observed (75% in the fourth day). Simultaneously, a progressive decrease in the pH of the media from 6.5 to 3.1 was also observed. AFB(1) was below the detection limit in commercial fermented porridge (amahewu) samples. Cytotoxicity tests on AFB(1)-spiked fermented extracts showed that those with a starter culture were comparatively less toxic (30-36%) than those with no added starter culture (24-30%). However, this difference was not significant (P > 0.05). These results indicate that lactic acid fermentation can significantly reduce the concentration of AFB(1) in maize to trace levels. However, the safety of fermented products has not been well studied, as the mechanism of AFB(1) removal is not well understood. Natural fermentation may potentially reduce exposure to natural toxins occurring in food.

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