
The effect of copper chromite, carbon, and other potential catalysts on the thermal decomposition and ignition of ammonium perchlorate has been studied. At low temperatures, 216°–277°C, carbon has no effect on the rate of decomposition, but copper chromite, either alone or with carbon, exerts a slight positive catalytic effect, the rate constants for mixtures being about 50% greater than those for the pure salt at corresponding temperatures. The activation energy is unchanged at 31 kcal/mole. When copper chromite, cupric oxide, or potassium dichromate are mixed with AP, the rate of the high-temperature reaction is considerably enhanced. The activation energy is the same for all the catalysts tried, viz., 48 kcal/mole. A model for the decomposition of ammonium perchlorate, which is consistent with this and other data on the deflagration of ammonium perchlorate, is discussed.

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