
The Greek forms of the Book of Daniel, like the Syriac Peshitta and Latin Vulgate, contain, besides the twelve chapters found in the Masoretic Text (MT), the so-called Additions: the Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews as well as the stories of Susanna, Bel, and the Dragon. The textual history of these Greek forms remains complex. Problems abound, with little consensus among scholars. First of all, there are two distinct textual traditions: LXX or Old Greek Daniel (OG-Dan) and so-called Theodotion Daniel (ThDan). What exact relationship there may be between OG-Dan and Th-Dan continues to be debated by scholars. Finally, the deuteron-canonical/ apocryphal Additions must be taken in account since these are integral parts of the history of Daniel in Greek. Almost all OG MSS contain the Th-Dan form of the book. Keywords: Azariah; Bel; Book of Daniel; Dragon; Latin Vulgate; Masoretic Text (MT); Susanna; Syriac Peshitta

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