
The wood anatomy of the genera of the tribe Moreae with urticaceous stamens, viz. Broussonetia, Maclura s.l. (inc1uding Cardiogyne, Chlorophora, and Cudrania), Malaisia, Milicia, Morus, Olmedia, Pachytrophe, Plecospermum, Sloetiopsis, Streblus s.1. (inc1uding Paratrophis, Phyllochlamys, Pseudostreblus, and Sloetia), and Trophis s.1. (inc1uding Calpidochlamys and Maillardia), is described in detail. Separate descriptions have been made for sections and/or subgenera to facilitate the discussion about the generic delimitations made by several taxonomists. The following generic combinations previously proposed by taxonomists are supported by wood anatomical features: Broussonetia + Allaeanthus; Maclura + Chlorophora + Cardiogyne + Cudrania + Plecospermum. The segregation of the African species of Chlorophora in a separate genus Milicia is supported by wood anatomical evidence. The broad genus concept of Streblus and Trophis is not supported by wood anatomy. Several seetions of these genera should be reinstated as genera. The correlations between wood anatomy, latitude, habit and habitat are discussed as far as allowed by the material studied. Characters useful for the delimitation of the genera proved to be the size of the intervascular pits, the parenchyma distribution, and the lengths of fibres and vessel elements. Rhombic crystals, vitreous silica and radial latex tubes usually are useful additional characters.


  • This paper is part of a series, in which the wood anatomy of the Moraceae is described and discussed in relation to the taxonomy of the family

  • The Moreae sensu Berg comprise all genera of the tribes Moreae and Artocarpeae sensu Comer (1962), and a few genera assigned to the tribe Olmedieae sensu Comer (1962)

  • The most important difference between the two groups of the Moreae sensu Berg is found in the stamens: presence or absence of ‘urticaceous’ stamens, i.e., inflexed stamens which on flowering spring back elastically (Berg, 1973)

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This paper is part of a series, in which the wood anatomy of the Moraceae is described and discussed in relation to the taxonomy of the family. He recognised 4 tribes: Dorstenieae, Castilleae, Moreae and Ficeae. The Moreae sensu Berg comprise all genera of the tribes Moreae and Artocarpeae sensu Comer (1962), and a few genera assigned to the tribe Olmedieae sensu Comer (1962). This large tribe, comprising about 55% of all genera of the family, is subdivided into two groups of 9 and 12 genera, respectively. The group of genera with urticaceous stamens, treated here, were described by Berg (1983) as having inflorescences relatively simple; macrospermy to microspermy; diaspores dry, drupaceous or surrounded by a fleshy perianth, partly zoochorous; ecology predominantly marginal to rainforest conditions;taxonomically and geographically more or less coherent; centered in the Indo-Malaysian region, with transpacific connections

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