
The awareness of population about essence of functioning of mandatory medical insurance system continues to be low. The purpose of study was analysis of opinions of residents of the Moscow oblast about this particular system. The sociological survey was carried out according standard technology using an original questionnaire. The public opinion was investigated among visitors of medical organizations in 2013 and 2017. According data of survey, the percentage of respondents with positive response to question concerning their awareness about the insurance company they are insured slightly increased in 2017. however, every thirteenth respondent responded negatively to this question. Only every sixth respondent addresses to the insurance company in case of occurrence of problems with medical care support. According data of both surveys, the right of choosing insurance company, medical organization and physician was applied only by 17% and 22% respondents correspondingly. In 2013, 20% of respondents addressed nowhere because of absence of problems in case of receiving medical care support. In 2017, a significant increase of addressing to administrations of medical organizations was established. Also, number of addressing to insurance medical organizations and foundations of mandatory medical insurance increased up to 13% and 27% correspondingly. The percentage of respondents that responded positively to question about unofficial compulsion to pay for medical services during four years decreased on 18% and made up to 12.6% out of 709 participants of survey. Thereby, from one hand activities related to informing population about occurring changes in health care system, including broadening of rights of citizen is not enough. From the other hand, citizen in number of cases have no interest in receiving necessary information and ignore it even including title of insurance medical company mentioned in mandatory medical insurance policy.

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