
The paper deals with the problem of professional training of technical University bachelors majoring in Engineering. The author proves that it is necessary to develop prospective specialists ability to self-education. The author presents an efficient system of self-educational activity development for prospective bachelors majoring in engineering by means of information and communication technologies and active methods of teaching Informatics including a special component, facilitating the development of indicators in the structure of readiness. The system of self-educational activity development for prospective bachelors majoring in engineering is a form of educational system that includes methodological, substantive, procedural and efficient elements. The principles of systemic-structural, acmeological and competency approaches are fundamental and allow designing the components of the system and choosing the appropriate means of readiness development. The specific of professional activity of bachelors majoring in engineering is the reason for choice of Informatics as a means of readiness formation. These materials can serve as the basis for students educational activity organization and monitoring the quality of their professional training.


  • The paper deals with the problem of professional training

  • of technical University bachelors majoring in Engineering

  • The author presents an efficient system of self-educational activity development for prospective bachelors majoring in engineering by means

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СИСТЕМА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ГОТОВНОСТИ БУДУЩИХ БАКАЛАВРОВ МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЯ К САМООБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ Предложена эффективная система формирования готовности будущих бакалавров машиностроения к самообразовательной деятельности средствами информационных и коммуникационных технологий и активных методов обучения дисциплине «Информатика» с внедренным спецкомпонентом, способствующим развитию показателей в структуре готовности. Выбор дисциплины «Информатика» в качестве средства формирования готовности обусловлен выделенной в процессе исследования спецификой профессиональной деятельности бакалавров машиностроения.

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