
The main problem in the treatment of nasal polyposis is that of recurrence. Despite the universal recognition of the importance of allergy in the causation of nasal polypi, allergic investigation and antiallergic treatment have not proved entirely successful in preventing recurrences after intranasal polypectomy. It is too early to form a final opinion on the value of cortisone therapy in effecting a permanent cure, but desensitization and the use of antihistamine drugs have proved disappointing. In my experience, recurrences are frequent when intranasal ethmoidectomy is performed, and the transantral operation has not given a higher percentage of permanent cures. This may be attributed to an inability to perform a thorough exenteration of the ethmoidal labyrinth by use of these techniques. When recurrences are frequent in spite of local removal and treatment directed to the fundamental causes, it is my present practice to perform an external ethmoidectomy. This is the surgical

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