
While donor-specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies are a frequent cause for chronic antibody-mediated rejection in organ transplantation, this is not the case for antibodies targeting blood group antigens, as ABO-incompatible (ABO-I) organ transplantation has been associated with a favorable graft outcome. Here, we explored the role of CD4 T cell-mediated alloresponses against endothelial HLA-D-related (DR) in the presence of anti-HLA class I or anti-A/B antibodies. CD4 T cells, notably CD45RA-memory CD4 T cells, undergo extensive proliferation in response to endothelial HLA-DR. The CD4 T cell proliferative response was enhanced in the presence of anti-HLA class I, but attenuated in the presence of anti-A/B antibodies. Microarray analysis and molecular profiling demonstrated that the expression of CD274 programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) increased in response to anti-A/B ligation-mediated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inactivation in endothelial cells that were detected even in the presence of interferon-γ stimulation. Anti-PD-1 antibody enhanced CD4 T cell proliferation, and blocked the suppressive effect of the anti-A/B antibodies. Educated CD25+ CD127- regulatory T cells (edu.Tregs ) were more effective at preventing CD4 T cell alloresponses to endothelial cells compared with naive Treg ; anti-A/B antibodies were not involved in the Treg -mediated events. Finally, amplified expression of transcript encoding PD-L1 was observed in biopsy samples from ABO-I renal transplants when compared with those from ABO-identical/compatible transplants. Taken together, our findings identified a possible factor that might prevent graft rejection and thus contribute to a favorable outcome in ABO-I renal transplantation.

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