
Chinese Abstract: 万有斥力飞行器,不需要依赖空气动力飞行,也不需要起飞速度,主要依赖惯性万有斥力产生作用,直接起飞的飞行器,可以直接从起飞开始,穿越大气层直达太空,如果飞向火星,最高速度可达每秒10-20万公里,如果用核能加上热能电版,即把核能直接转变成电能,带上一个太空仓,例如,天宫一号,可能任游太空,这将开启人类飞行历史的新纪元。万有斥力飞行器的原理、设计、制造过程,3-6个月即可拿出新概念样机,保证能飞起来,造价一千万以内。以电和磁二元素存在的物质宇宙中,只有对统一场理论精髓的理解达到极致的情况下,才有了万有斥力飞行器的发明。 引力有万有引力,还有惯性引力,惯性引力可达7G,8G的过载,证明万有引力和惯性引力是统一的,那么,自然就会有惯性斥力,惯性斥力和万有斥力同样也是统一的。正是从这个原理出发,利用惯性斥力来抵抗万有引力,即万有斥力飞行器的产生。 如果把万有斥力飞行器做成小汽车大小,那么,加两箱油(即110公升汽油),再带上一副卫星用的太阳能电版,当小汽车漂到20公里的高空的时候,打开太阳能电版,关闭汽车发动机,用太阳能电版提供动力,两个人,各借一套太空服即宇航员服装,就可到月球玩一趟并在月球上取一份土壤样本回来,再漂回来。就这么简单,成本就这么低。所以,未来人类利用万斥力技术去月球玩一趟将是非常常见之事。 模拟反物质体系:即以许多小球,球面带正电,球心带负电,球与球之间,球心与球面之间填充电容介质,那么,这种球心带负电的小球与所有其物质之间,就会产生万有斥力,只要小球的数量足够多,产生的万有斥力就会足够大。 English Abstract: Universal repulsive aircraft,It mostly depend on universal repulsive force of inertia to fly. Do not need to rely on aerodynamic flight,Also do not need to take off the speed of the direct take-off of the aircraft,Can start directly from the beginning, through the atmosphere directly to space, if flying to Mars, the maximum speed of up to 10-20 million kilometers per second. If you use nuclear energy plus thermal power version, that is, directly into nuclear energy into electricity, bring a space warehouse, for example, Temple One, may visit any space. This will open the new era of human flying history. The principle of design, manufacturing process, 3-6 months to come up with a new concept prototype, to ensure that can fly up, cost less than 10 million. In the universe of matter in the presence of electricity and magnetic two elements, only the understanding of the essence of the unified field theory has reached the limit, only the invention of the universal repulsive vehicle. Gravitational gravitation, as well as inertial gravity, inertial gravity up to 7G, 8G overload, to prove that gravitation and inertial gravity is uniform, then, naturally there will be inertial repulsion, inertial repulsion and universal repulsion is also unified is exactly. From this principle, the use of inertial repulsion to resist the gravitational force, that is, the production of a million force of the aircraft. If the million repairer is made into a car size, add two boxes of oil (ie 110 liters of petrol), and then bring a satellite with a solar panel, when the car drift to 20 km altitude, open Solar panels, close the car engine, with solar power to provide power, two people, each by a set of space suit that astronauts clothing, you can play a trip to the moon and take a sample of the moon back, and then drift back The It is so simple, the cost is so low. Therefore, the future of human use of thousands of repulsion technology to the moon to play will be a very common thing. Simulation of antimatter system: that is, with a number of small balls, spherical with positive electricity, the ball with a negative charge, between the ball and the ball, between the ball and the spherical fill the capacitor medium, then, and all the material. As long as the number of small enough balls, resulting in a full repulsion will be large enough.

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