
The construction of innovative city is a dynamic innovative system. The internal elements of the system have the characteristics of divergent, nonlinear, delay. It's difficult to analyze with one-sided cognition and experience. The thesis is based on the analysis of the city's driving factors, combined with the theory and approach of system dynamics, conducted a profound study of whole and local innovation system of Tianjin, understood the mechanism of each factor, and given suggestions to the construction of innovative city of Tianjin . The analysis of innovation-driven factors for Tianjin The innovation-driven factors of constructing innovative city The construction of innovative city is complicated system engineering. Ultimately, it is formed by the mutual impact of the innovative factors. The construction of the innovative city is divided into the subject driving factors, internal resource driving factors, and external environment driving factors. Three types of driving elements contributed to the system of innovative city. 1. The subject driving factors The subject driving factors of innovation city include enterprise, government, research institutions, financial institutions, intermediary agency. Among these, enterprises' responsibility is using new technologies and new manners in the production and realizing marketization, so it is the most interior driving force in system. Government provides necessary basic installation for each creative organization and the main part of creation, and provides capital by public finance, safeguard by law, and creates the necessary condition for creative resource playing its utmost role. The research institutions including different kinds of research academies in city, possess the ultramodern technology and innovative talents, and provide necessary scientific theory and various kinds of patented invention for innovation system. Financial institutions to provide necessary funds for the city innovation systems, analysis the risk of the project, then choose and support it, guide research projects to establish relationship with market. Intermediary agencies strengthen the connection between each different subsystem, accelerate the spread of knowledge and circulation of technology, thus achieving operational coordination between the various sub-subjects. 2. Internal resource driving factors City resources include natural resource, cultural resource, human resource, economic resource and political resource. Natural resources include city's natural endowment, urban infrastructure conditions, urban environment, urban conditions and so on. Cultural resources include city's cultural accumulation, historical contest, cultural features. Human resources include the scientific researchers' amount, structure, level etc. Economic resources include city's economic power, industrial structure, industrial cluster. And policy resources include the city's positioning, policy advantages, system of safeguards. Kinds of resources' liquidity and integration realize the support to city's development and innovation.

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