
The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate, from the clinical and laboratory point of view, the effects of the daily deuterium depleted w ater intake on the Wistar rats inoculated intraperi toneum (ip) with Walker 256 ascitic carcinoma. The experiment was performed on 20 Wistar rats, male adults, divide d in four groups, each of them containing 5 animals. In accordance to the experimental protocol, the animal s from groups 2 and 4 were administrated ad libitum with deuterium depleted water for a period of six m onths, and then were inoculated (group 4) intraperitoneum (ip) with Walker 256 ascitic carcinoma (between 85 000 - 90 000 tumour cells/ml ascite liquid). During the first st age of the experiment (1 to 6 months) all experimen tal animals were weekly measured for the evolution of the body weight and some other clinical aspects, regarding t he food and water intake, respectively some peculiarities o f the behaviour and the general health status. Afte r intraperitoneum inoculation of the Walker 256 ascit ic carcinoma all animals were rigurously observed a nd were weekly evaluated from the the body weight evolution, respectively of some other abnormal manifestation s point of view. Finally, the animals were killed after 5 w eeks from the intraperitoneum inoculation with Walker 256 ascite carcinoma under narcose with ether, by cardi ac punction, and blood samples were collected. The values of the main heamatological parameters from the blood samples (RBCs, Hb and Ht) were evaluated, and also subsequent from the plasma obtained by centrifugati on were measured the values of some biochemical compounds, as plasma proteins, albumins, globulins, cholesterol, glucose, urea and creatinine. The obt ained results permit us to come to the conclusion that da ily deuterim depleted water consumption influences, more or less significantly, the level of the clinical and h aematological parameters investigated in this exper iment, both in the healty Wistar rats and the animals inoculated i ntraperitoneum with Walker 256 ascitic carcinoma.

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