
Introduction: Reading skill is one of the most important skills in elementary school so that its disorder affects the learning of other subjects. Aim: This paper aimed to study the effect of phonological awareness method intervention on improving dyslexic students' reading. Method: The research type was quasi-experimental. The population of this study included all boys in the Second grade of elementary school from Roshtkhar and Khaf city in the academic year 2015-2016. Based on a checklist of 27 items for dyslexia symptoms, report card, and health assessment card of the first year of elementary school, 10 of them who were diagnosed with dyslexia, were randomly selected. Then these students were randomly divided into the experimental group with phonological awareness method intervention and control group. After phonological awareness instructional intervention, a post-test was performed on both groups and the data from pre-test and post-test were analyzed using SPSS version 19 with an independent t-test. Results: The results of the independent t-test to compare the difference of scores between the two groups showed that there was a significant difference between improvement mean in the phonological awareness instructional group (9.78) and control group (2.67) at significance level (p<0.0005). Which indicates the effect of phonological awareness treatment intervention on improving students' reading. Conclusion: Phonological awareness method has developed the reading skills of students by increasing the range of accuracy and attention, enhancing reading speed and comprehension. For improving the reading of dyslexic students, using phonological awareness method is suggested.

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