
We perform an exact computation of the gauged linear sigma model associated to a D1-D5 brane system on a resolved A 1 singularity. This is accomplished via supersymmetric localization on the blown-up two-sphere. We show that in the blow-down limit $ {{{{{\mathbb{C}}^2}}} \left/ {{{{\mathbb{Z}}_2}}} \right.} $ the partition function reduces to the Nekrasov partition function evaluating the equivariant volume of the instanton moduli space. For finite radius we obtain a tower of world-sheet instanton corrections, that we identify with the equivariant Gromov-Witten invariants of the ADHM moduli space. We show that these corrections can be encoded in a deformation of the Seiberg-Witten prepotential. From the mathematical viewpoint, the D1-D5 system under study displays a twofold nature: the D1-branes viewpoint captures the equivariant quantum cohomology of the ADHM instanton moduli space in the Givental formalism, and the D5-branes viewpoint is related to higher rank equivariant Donaldson-Thomas invariants of $ {{\mathbb{P}}^1}\times {{\mathbb{C}}^2} $ .


  • The case of N = 2 theories in four dimensions the supersymmetric partition function computes the equivariant volume of the instanton moduli space

  • We show that in the blow-down limit C2/Z2 the partition function reduces to the Nekrasov partition function evaluating the equivariant volume of the instanton moduli space

  • We focus on the D1-branes, whose dynamics is described by a two-dimensional N = (2, 2) gauged linear sigma model flowing in the infrared to a nonlinear sigma model with target space the ADHM moduli space of instantons Mk,N

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ADHM gauged linear sigma model from the D1-D5 system

We describe the dynamics of a system of k D1 and N D5-branes wrapping the blown-up sphere of a resolved A1 singularity. To localize on field configurations corresponding to the Coulomb branch the following Q exact deformation of the action was chosen δS = {d2x} (LY M + Lψ) ,. This procedure reduces the path integral to an ordinary integral over the constant modes of the scalar field σ and a sum over the non trivial fluxes of the gauge field on the two-sphere. In [10, 11] the ζ-function renormalization scheme is chosen This is a reference one, while others can be obtained by a shift in the finite part of the resulting effective action.

Reduction to the Nekrasov partition function
Classification of the poles
Equivariant Gromov-Witten invariants of the instanton moduli space
Cotangent bundle of the projective space
Hilbert scheme of points
B Multi-instantons in the higher rank case
C Perturbative sector of the D5-brane theory
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