
The transition to a new technological structure, the intensification of economic processes and globalization have become the reason for the growth of competitive pressure. It requires mobility, modernity, and instant response to market challenges by improving existing products and creating a new one. The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments in the framework of a scientific discussion on the development of a strategy for the output of the enterprise to the markets of the European Union in order to increase their competitiveness and ensure their entry into the global value added chains. The main objective of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions on the sequence of actions in the output of the company to the markets of the European Union and the disclosure of key aspects of this process. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the work of many scholars on the subject of research in the article, the essence of marketing policy of the enterprise is disclosed. PE «Autostenterprise» was selected as the object of the study, for which a list of priority strategic measures for the company has been formed at the stage of entering the European markets. As a result of the study, the argumentation of needs was made and the peculiarities of the conditions of the exit of PE «Autostenterprise» to the European market were determined. The estimation of the strategic position of PE «Autostenterprise» in the market of charging devices for electric cars is shown, which testifies to the high level of its competitiveness; an estimation of activity of the main competitor of PE «Autostenterprise» on the European market – the Dutch company ABB – is carried out. The reasons and difficulties of the PE «Autostenterprise» on the European market are outlined. The main problems, which do not allow to fully realize export potential of the company, are generalized. A set of measures for the enterprise was developed at the exit to the external market in the conditions of European integration. Directions of further researches on the given problem are development of the marketing strategy of the enterprise in order to promote its products to foreign markets.


  • Переход к новому технологическому укладу, интенсификация экономических процессов, глобализация стали причиной роста конкурентного давления

  • The transition to a new technological structure, the intensification of economic processes and globalization have become the reason for the growth of competitive pressure

  • PE «Autostenterprise» was selected as the object of the study, for which a list of priority strategic measures for the company has been formed at the stage of entering the European markets

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Переход к новому технологическому укладу, интенсификация экономических процессов, глобализация стали причиной роста конкурентного давления. Ринок збуту товарів (послуг) – це аналітичний розділ бізнес-плану, який дозволяє на основі результатів аналізу можливостей діючих ринків, попиту на продукцію (послуги) фірми визначити сегменти ринку, прийнятний для продукції фірми, визначити можливі ніші, оцінити потенційну ємність ринків, плановану і фактичну величину обсягу реалізації та виручку [3]. Аналіз ринків збуту товарів підприємства є невід’ємною складовою маркетингової політики компанії.

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