
At least 14 herpetological species are endemic to the southwestern Cape Province, RSA. Five, the geometric tortoise Psammobates geometricus, the Cape platanna Xenopus gilli, the micro frog Microbatrachella capensis, the Table Mountain ghost frog Heleophryne rosei an d McLachlan's girdled lizard Cordylus mclachlani, are in immediate need of conservation measures to ensure their continued long-term survival. The first four species mentioned are listed as endangered. Habitat destruction and degradation, genetic hybridization and restricted distribution ranges are the four most important factors responsible for the critical conservation status of these species. Nature reserves, declared nature areas, careful managing of remaining habitat and an increased human awareness are of vital importance to their survival. Only the future establishment of new and additional reserved areas will ensure the protection of viable populations of these five species.

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