
The purpose of this work was to use the deep-water chimaera Hydrolagus colliei to examine the bioaccumulation and availability of Hg and Se in its deep-water habitat; the Se:Hg molar ratio was calculated to establish baseline information of the species and its associated ecosystem. The organisms were collected from northern Gulf of California. Hg levels in muscle were higher than liver and the opposite pattern happened with Se concentrations. Female had total lengths and weights higher than male but there were not found differences between elements concentrations by sex. Hg in muscle was correlated with weight. Molar Se:Hg ratio in muscle was the lowest compared to the liver. It was hypothesized that Hg and Se uptake to H. colliei were by its feeding habits because is a dominant species component of the demersal ecosystem and that play and important functional role in the control of oceanic ecosystem structure and function.

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