
Purpose. For persons with chronic back pain disability, customized, effective, and efficient treatment depends on the initial assessment. Functional capacity evaluations and intake screenings for particular programs are not independent or goal-directed. This paper describes a standardized independent multidisciplinary assessment for treatment planning, and characteristic findings in a population of chronically disabled persons.Methods. The Spine Team Assessment (STA), a ½-day assessment including extensive intake information, evaluations by therapists and counselors, a team meeting with a physician, and a comprehensive report, was performed on 500 consecutive persons with chronic back pain.Results. Representative findings included maximum cardiac performance of 5.33 (±4.08 SD) METS; Progressive Isoinertial Lifting Evaluation floor-to-waist of 36.4% (±23.9% of norms, and CESD depression scores of 24.7 (±13.5 SD). Fear and avoidance and poor physiologic effort were common.Conclusion. Deconditioning, psycholosocial factors and functional deficits are common, complex, and variable among chronic back pain patients. This description of the STA provides a potentially reproducible standard for research into individualized treatment. The work provides benchmark data for independent multidisciplinary assessments.

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