
Six years ago a small band of earnest, brave and determined Southern surgeons assembled in the city of Birmingham, Ala., with Dr. Haggard as President, amidst doubts, anxieties and misgivings for the future, to found and organize a Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, and in this effort to build up an organization that would meet the advanced requirements of the times, and that should rank in point of talent, efficiency and high-toned character with the other great institutions of the kind, in this and other countries. Under the circumstances we fully appreciated the difficulties ahead of us, and measured accurately the herculean task that had to be accomplished. Many of the most eminent and experienced surgeons of our section regarded the enterprise of doubtful propriety, while others equally distinguished believed that the object would never succeed. But notwithstanding the stupendous difficulties we had to encounter, the vast labor expended and

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