
In accordance with the Self-determination Theory (SDT), six dimensions of parenting (autonomy support vs. psychological control, structure vs. chaos, warmth vs. rejection) could be defined in their relation to adolescents' adjustment. However, the mechanisms of these relations need to be further deepened. In accordance with SDT, the aims of this study were: (1) to examine the relationships between the six dimensions of parenting and the three psychological basic needs; (2) to examine the mediation role of basic psychological needs in the relation between parental practices, and positive and negative outcomes in a sample of Italian adolescents. In a sample of 342adolescents, results suggest that supportive parenting practice (autonomy support, structure, and warmth) promotes need fulfillment and adjustment, while thwarting parenting practice (psychological control, chaos, and rejection) reduces need fulfillment and adjustment. Furthermore, the three psychological basic needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) mediate the relations between parenting and adolescents' adjustment. These findings highlight the role of parenting in adolescents' adjustment and in line with SDT provide evidence of the dynamic between parenting, psychological needs and adjustment.

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