
I. The developing situation in family planning work As a result of many years of experience with family planning, the masses' concept of childbearing is in the process of changing. Carrying out reform and opening up, developing a commodity economy, continuously stimulating the people's opening up, spiritual renewal, enthusiastic assimilation of scientific and cultural knowledge, and the pursuit of the desires of civilized, healthy, scientific family life, has assaulted ignorant, backward ideas, including old ideas about marriage and birth. Especially in cities and rural areas where the economic and cultural development is relatively fast, where the family planning policy has been well implemented, and where the construction of the socialist spiritual civilization has been carried out well, following changes in the people's production and life-styles and with the appearance and gradual increase in the number of small higher-quality families, the change in marriage and childbearing ideas has occurred even faster. In these places, early marriage and childbirth, and blindly having many babies of inferior quality, is being replaced by late marriage and late childbirth, and the planned birth of fewer and higher quality [yousheng] babies. …

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