
In this paper we analysed the Serbian and Slovenian verb pogledati as a lexical exponent of different situation predicates. Situation predicates are defned via characteristics of situation temporal structure of perception action expressed with this verb and via its predicate-argument structure. Te intertwining of these two parameters brings us to single out three main semantic-syntactic realisations of the verb pogledati in Serbian and Slovenian. In the frst one, the verb pogledati is used to express the immediate/perfective perception action and its predicate-argument structure is characterised by a mandatory presence of the right argument in the role of an object of perception (e.g. pogledati prijatelja iznenađeno ). In the second realisation this verb shows the same properties of a predicate-argument structure as in the frst one but it does not denote a lasting/imperfective action whereby the perfective verb form emphasises its natural fulfilment (e.g. pogledati izložbu , pogledati pozorisnu predstavu ). Regarding the predicate-argument structure, the third realisation is characterised by different spacial determinants at the right argument position that defning of perception action as either the immediate/perfective or lasti ng/imperfective one depends on (e.g. pogledati kroz prozor , pogledati naokolo ).

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