
The primary structure of a grapevine viroid (GVs) isolated in Spain was determined. The sequence consisted of 369 nucleotide residues forming a circular molecule. GVs presented extensive homology with viroids of the potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV) group, that was specially high in the case of citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) both with variants found in isolates inducing severe (92% with CEV-A) and mild (89% with CEV-DE26) symptoms on tomato. The secondary structure proposed for GVs showed that the changes in the sequence in relation to CEV-A generated modifications of the secondary structure particularly important in the left terminal (Tl), variable (V) and pathogenesis (P) viroid domains that have been postulated. Nevertheless it was noted in GVs a central core in the P domain that is conserved in the class A sequence variants characteristic of severe isolates, but not in the class B ones found in mild isolates of CEV. These observations indicate that GVs should be considered as a severe isolate of CEV from grapevine (CEV-g), a suggestion that correlates with the biological properties of CEV-g both in tomato and in Gynura aurantiaca. The presence of this central core in the P domain seems to characterize all the variants of CEV inducing severe symptoms in tomato.

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