
The scientific-technological revolution is exercising a constantly increasing influence upon material goods production and upon other aspects of social experience. The development of production is impossible without the extensive utilization of contemporary scientific knowledge. This requires further improvement in the level of cultural and technical training of personnel in various branches of our economy. A large role in the solution of this task belongs to the general education school, whose graduates fill the ranks of those who work in social production. According to the CPSU Program, the school is called upon "to assure solid knowledge of the fundamentals of the sciences and assimilation of the principles of the communist world view and of labor and polytechnical training in conformity with the rising level of development of science and technology." The authors are affiliated, respectively, with the Research Institute for School Equipment and Mechanical Means of Instruction and the Research Institute for Labor Training and Vocational Guidance, both of which are in the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

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