
The continuous rise in the technological sophistication of equipment and the electrification and total mechanization of agriculture require the training of a large number of highly skilled workers for that branch of the national economy. The decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers "On Measures for the Further Development of Agriculture in the Non-Black-Earth Zone of the RSFSR" posed the task of accelerating the development of one of the major regions of the country (see: Pravda, April 3, 1974). Forty-four percent of the total population of the Russian Federation live in the non-black-earth zone. "This is a region of colossal potential which is far from being used presently to the fullest potential. The active intensification of agriculture in this zone will significantly develop its productive forces and essentially, in a manner of speaking, make it possible to develop a new virgin land. Large-scale housing and cultural construction are also planned there. Many of the rural villages of today will be transformed into settlements with modern amenities. The industry of the zone, especially light industry, the food industry, and the meat and dairy industries, will receive a powerful developmental stimulus" (L. I. Brezhnev, Speech at the Seventeenth Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League [Rech' na XVII s'ezde Vsesoiuznogo Leninskogo Kommunisticheskogo Soiuza Molodezhi] on April 23, 1974. Moscow, Politizdat, 1974, p. 14).

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