
The calculation of scenic attractiveness is based on a methodology – the Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES) that includes expert assessment of 26 beach parameters (18 physical, 8 human) resulting in five site classes (I, high scenic value; V, poor scenic value). Eighty-five settlements occur along the Baikal environment, (28 coastal) with 21 being most popular with both locals and tourists because of transport and accessibility were selected for study. Findings suggested that human parameters had a greater negative impact on coastal scenery. Sites with low human values were included in Classes IV and V; beaches, with high scoring physical parameters, e.g. cliffs, dunes, were deemed to be in Class I. Protected areas (National Parks etc.) and the existence of any kind of protection feature is relevant in coastal scenic preservation; 75% of Class I beaches and 37.5% of Class II are located within these areas. Monitoring compliance for environmental protection contributes to the preservation of the natural landscape and has a positive effect on scenic values. Changing human parameters (if possible, as changing physical ones is difficult) can change beach classes by lowering/increasing, by as much as two levels, e.g. Sarayskiy beach increased from Class III to Class IV after it was cleaned of litter. Current Baikal management is at a crossroads between moving toward mass tourism or eco-tourism that is unlikely to be resolved in the near future. Whatever materialises the CSES will help to ensure decision - making is done objectively so that the lake's ecosystem is preserved and justice is ensured for the local population.

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