
It is well known that the velocity dispersions of the stars in the solar neighbourhood increase with their ages (Wielen 1977). In Fig.1 we show |W| weighted velocity dispersions (cf. Wielen 1977) of the stars in the Third Catalog of Nearby Stars (Gliese and Jahreiß 1994). Open symbols indicate main sequence stars and crosses indicate McCormick stars, a kinematically unbiased subset of the CNS3, respectively, whereas the filled symbols are the Edvardsson et al. (1993) data. Stars older than 14 Gyr are not shown because they are probably thick disk stars (Freeman 1991). We have assumed a maximum age of the old thin disk stars of 12 Gyr as suggested by the Edvardsson et al. data. As can be seen from Fig.1 both data sets fit ideally together. The solid line indicates a σ ∝ τ1/2 law.

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